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We give thanks to the Lord God for His faithfulness and His on-going protection of our people, properties and projects. He is truly a God worthy of our praise, adoration and thanksgiving.

Join us in giving thanks to Him for some of the answers to prayer, open doors for ministry, and meeting all our needs according to His grace and mercy over the past weeks.

HQTF Headquarters Training Facility

Theo Klein, Global Council Treasurer, Amoré Haccou, Conveyance Secretary, Yolande van Vuuren, Namibian Board member at the signing of the legal papers

On Thursday, July 7th, 2022, our representatives signed the transfer documents of the ownership of the training centre facility in Okahandja, Namibia from Christ’s Hope International to Genesis Design Organization. After many months of going back and forth, the correct signed documents arrived from the USA. This is a milestone to be remembered.

We are so grateful to the leadership of Christ’s Hope International who decided to donate the entire property, lock, stock and barrel to Genesis Design. The facility is fully furnished and ready for us to continue using it.

We still need a Compliance Certificate from the local municipality to submit for the final registration of the new Title Deeds at the Registrar’s Office. This requires plans of the buildings as they currently stand on the ground. These plans were submitted first in 1950, and again in 1980. We are now waiting for the plans to be updated for inspection and confirmation. Pray with us for this.


Sylvia teaching during the Genesis Design Academy held at the HQTF in June 2022

From June 13th to 24th, a special curriculum content training course was held for 12 attendees from across Namibia and Angola. Hearts and minds were challenged by the truth of God’s Word. One of the phrases we use to point out wrong thinking, which leads to wrong behaviour is: “The village in your head”. After the second day, one of the participants said: “Wow, I didn’t know I have so many villages in my head”.

It was a great encouragement to have Avelino Rafael and his son, Floyd from Angola at the training. We have known Avelino Rafael for 30+years. He was one of the first YfC Angola staff

workers we recruited to start the YfC ministry in Lubango. He later became the principal of the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Lubango. He has now handed the role over to a younger person, but still has a great influence on the daily operations of the seminary.

Rafael and Floyd said that the teaching is desperately needed in Angola and asked us whether they may look into the possibility of forming a Genesis Design ministry in Angola. As soon as we get confirmation from them that they have met the requirements to form such a ministry, we will ask the Global Council for their permission to go ahead.

Avelino Rafael

How exciting to see the Lord honour our desire, since we began, that people will approach us about starting Genesis Design in their countries. Our sincere desire is that the ministry will grow like yeast, slowly but surely.

Another blessing has been a request from Scripture Union in Namibia to train some teachers and volunteers working in schools. Dates are set for October 3rd to 8th, 2022. We are working on the logistics and it will probably be the first major training we do at the HQTF since it became the property of Genesis Design.

Book 1 with the first 6 lessons for the 4&5-year-olds is fast nearing completion. Apart from the lessons, there will also be an accompanying Teacher Guide with information about teaching the children age-appropriately about Biblical manhood, womanhood, sexuality and marriage. Of the six lessons for Book 2, lessons 7, 8 and 9 are also nearing completion. The lessons are proofread and corrected by a company in London.

Practical ministry started in Uganda and Kenya and continues in the many Ministry CarePoints of Christ’s Hope in different countries in Africa. Caesar and Sharon, have both started small groups in their churches and the area where they live. Attendance is remarkably good and the impact is phenomenal. We can only trust the Holy Spirit that He will be the “after preacher” of the new insights they have gained. Many young adults now testify to the impact this teaching had upon them when they were younger.


The newly renovated kitchen at the HQTF

One of the houses on the property at the Training Facility was vacated recently and we are renovating it after nearly 20 years. The task seemed very easy and feasible at first, but it has turned into a much bigger project. The newly renovated kitchen has a very practical layout and is a joy to behold. We can now accommodate at least 8 more people or a couple with children.


On Saturday 23rd July we plan a Global Council Meeting. The Council needs much wisdom as they decide on granting permission to register the ministry in Angola. Another major decision will be the expansion of the ministry by starting a children’s ministry in the form of kindergartens. We believe we need to captivate the hearts and minds of children with the gospel so that when they are old they will not depart from the ways they were taught.

A major future event that will also be on the agenda for the Council to consider is the holding of the first Genesis Design Convocation in March 2023 at the HQTF. It will be the first time in our short history that the entire family of Genesis Design will come together to thank and worship the living God for allowing us to minister His Word in truth and righteousness.

Thanks for praying with us and for us.


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